The StanfordWho mobile app (available from the App Store and on Google Play) just leveled up. This month, the app rolled out a new bottom navigation bar menu and several other updates.
The new menu makes it easy to return to the home screen, search any time, view the People directory list, and access your app options.
With this update comes some bug fixes, as well. For example, available photos are again visible when viewing someone’s profile in the app.
Getting the StanfordWho mobile app
Don’t have the StanfordWho mobile app yet? Try it out:
- iOS: Download on the App Store
- Android or Chrome OS: Get it on Google Play
Using the StanfordWho mobile app allows current faculty, staff, students, and affiliates with a SUNet ID to quickly access the Stanford people directory. Access is restricted to Stanford community members and does not have public view.
With the StanfordWho mobile app, you can:
- Search for people by name, email address, work phone, or SUNet ID
- View a colleague's title at Stanford
- Look up a person’s manager and direct reports, if applicable
Other ways to access StanfordWho
In addition to the mobile app, you can also use the StanfordWho web application in a browser. The typical way to launch the web application is at
The StanfordWho web application has two views:
- A public view, which is available to anyone – but includes only those people who have chosen to make their listing public
- A Stanford/Affiliates view, which has more details and can only be accessed via login by members of the Stanford community, including those with sponsored SUNet IDs from affiliated organizations such as the Stanford hospitals
Check out other ways you can use the StanfordWho web application.
Making the Stanford directory available in these varied formats and access points gives us all quick access to accurate contact details, helping information flow more easily throughout Stanford and its affiliated organizations.
Learn more and get help
- Learn more about StanfordWho.
- For help with StanfordWho, submit a Help request.