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Free Consulting Service Provides Advice on SaaS Solutions

If you need to select, purchase, implement, or manage a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution, University IT’s new Cloud SaaS Consulting team offers free advice and guidance.

The Cloud SaaS Consulting team can provide advice to help you achieve success with a SaaS solution and work effectively with a vendor in Stanford’s extensive technological ecosystem. The team provides a free one to two hour consultation with Stanford-specific advice about SaaS implementations, based on campus-wide best practices.

“Our team partners with you — wherever you are in the process —- to help you approach your SaaS project with confidence,” explained Cloud Vendor Manager Doug Chalmers. “We understand the issues and obstacles that you need to address in order to have a successful SaaS experience at Stanford.”

Help with SaaS, Salesforce, and more

During a consultation, team members can provide guidance on:

  • Security, privacy, accessibility, and legal agreements for SaaS solutions
  • Renewals, negotiations, and other vendor relationship issues
  • SaaS integrations and business requirements

The team also provides specialized advice about Salesforce implementations, governance, and third-party tools. If you need more in-depth help with a specific issue, they can recommend resources or fee-based services.

Learn more

You can learn more about the service, and request a consultation, by visiting the Cloud SaaS Consulting website.

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