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Create More Inclusive Digital Content: New Resources from the Stanford Office of Digital Accessibility

Improving the accessibility of your digital content makes it possible for everyone—including individuals with disabilities—to engage and participate in the research, education, and social mission of the university.

Stanford has recently revised its accessibility policy to highlight the importance of digital accessibility for our students, faculty, staff, postdocs, and affiliates. While the previous policy focused on websites, the updated policy now includes a much broader scope of digital content including mobile apps, electronic documents, and audio/video content. And Stanford is adopting technology solutions in innovative ways with opportunities for greater inclusion and access by all members of the Stanford community.

Get started

While you may already be implementing accessibility best practices in your teams and organizations, it's important to ensure this effort is ongoing. Use these simple tips to build digital accessibility into your processes and actions.

Infographic showing how to include digital accessibility practices in your organization. Described below.

How to Include Digital Accessibility Pratices in Your Organization

Identify an Ally

This person (or people) can act as the point of contact for digital accessibility. The Office of Digital Accessibility can work with them to assist with questions and concerns about digital accessibility.

Request Reviews

Before you purchase, acquire or develop new technology solutions, work with the Office of Digital Accessibility to identify any potential accessibility issues. Submit a review request through the website. .

Add a Link to Your Websites

Make sure all your websites include a link in the footer that points to the Stanford Digital Accessibility page.

Take Action

Follow the Get Started guide to improve your digital content’s accessibility. The guide is linked from the home page.

Use our self-help accessibility resources

The newly launched website includes information for creating accessible digital content, including solutions for websites, documents, audio and video media, and other technology platforms.

Engage with our Slack community

Join the new Slack community #cop-accessibility to ask questions and learn more about accessibility best practices, tools, and resources.

About the Office of Digital Accessibility

Building on Stanford’s core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion, the Office of Digital Accessibility serves the greater Stanford community by providing technical assistance, accessibility reviews, evaluation tools, and training resources for realizing a more accessible information and communication technology environment.

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