University Firewall Rule Templates
Firewall rule templates were established by working with the Information Security Office as well as system administrators to create lists of rules repeatedly applied to hosts utilizing both the University Departmental and Administrative firewall services. The following firewall rule templates make it easier for LNAs, system administrators and application teams alike when requesting these common rules to be implemented.
Each template is owned either by the UIT/ITI Firewall Team or by the manager of the respective application or system administration team. As such, changes to rule templates must be approved by the listed template owner. Template changes are to be submitted via the Firewall Service Request form.
The following templates are currently available for Administrative and Datacenter firewall projects:
- Administrative Systems Server Template Rules (TASM)
- ISO SecOps Windows (TISW)
- ISO SecOps Lights-Out (TISL)
- AS-ACS Windows-LightsOut-Ring0 (TLRO)
- AS-ACS Windows-LightsOut-Ring1 (TLR1)
- AS-ACS Windows-Ring0 (TIR0)
- AS-ACS Windows-Ring1 (TIR1)
- ITS Linux Template Rules (TLIN)
- ITS Application Support Template Rules - Linux (TSAA)
- ITS Application Support Template Rules - Windows (TSAW)
- ITS CRCSG Template Rules (TCSG)
- ITS CRC Template Rules (new) (TCRC)
- CTSC Druva Template Rules (new) (TDRV)