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AS-ACS Windows-Ring1 Template Rules

Attention Application Owners & Rule Delegates

The following set of firewall policies, referred to as "Template Rules", are provided for administrators of AS owned/managed servers that require a specific set of source hosts/nets and services allowed for administration.

When applying these Template rules, please consider any additional necessary "custom" policies to guarantee the inbound or outbound connectivity that servers will require. Those "custom" policy requests can be made via the Firewall Rule Request form.

Please contact the Firewall Team ( with any questions.

Firewall Template Rules

Traffic Inbound to the Firewall

From To Ports Description
as-idg-windows-pbh-ring1 destination_host tlr1_pbst Personal Bastion Windows Ring1
secops-bigfix-ring1 destination_host tir1_bigfix BigFix Services
secops-ossec destination_host tir1_ossec OSSec Services
as-idg-nagios-monitoring destination_host tir1_nagios Nagios Monitoring
as-idg-sophosav destination_host tir1_sophos SophosAV Services
g_su_admin_nets destination_host IPSEC IPSEC Services

Address, Service & Object Definitions

Object / Group Members

Address & Address Groups
as-idg-nagios-monitoring (nagios2) (nagios1)
SecOps-OSSec (ossec1) (ossec2)
SecOps-BigFix-Ring1 (bigfixcore)
as-idg-sophosAV (tem2) (smreech01) (smreech02) (smrwech01) (smrwech02)
g_su_admin_nets Stanford Campus networs excluding the Residence networks

Service & Service Groups
tir1_pbst TCP:135, 139, 445, 1311, 2179, 3389, 4900-5000, 5985-5986 | UDP:135, 139, 445
tir1_bigfix UDP:52311
tir1_ossec UDP:1514
tir1_nagios TCP:5666
tir1_sophos TCP:8192-8194


Template Owner

Responsible for determining, maintaining and modifying the template rules and membership of the different server groups. The application owner is notified regarding any changes to the template.

Current Template Owners

  • Jon Pilat
  • Tim Boswell

System Administrators

Request rule approval from the application owner.

ISO Security

The ISO group will audit the rules and make recommendations as needed or upon request from either the System Administrators or the Application Owners. In addition, any changes to this template must be reviewed by ISO prior to implementation.

Last modified