Stanford whois Client
Data stored in the LDAP directory can be retrieved using the whois protocol. The whois client is a standard utility installed on Linux and Macintosh systems. The Stanford whois service returns the following information:
- Contact information for Stanford users marked "Public" in StanfordYou.
- NetDB host information for campus hosts when the queries originate from campus hosts.
The Stanford developed whois client, swhois, is available on the Stanford time share systems. This client authenticates itself to the Stanford whois service using Kerberos and displays contact information that is marked "Stanford Only" in StanfordYou.
OpenLDAP Clients
Available on all Macintoshes running OS X and on many Linux systems is the ldapsearch command line client. The client supports direct searches of any LDAP standard server. The client supports authenticated Kerberos binds to the directory. An authenticated bind to the directory allows access to data marked as "Stanford Only" in StanfordYou.
An anonymous search:
% ldapsearch -x -h -b dc=stanford,dc=edu uid=whm mail # extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # base with scope subtree # filter: uid=whm # requesting: mail # # 1188e601a61c4d71828acc6e1f80da58, people, dn: suRegID=1188e601a61c4d71828acc6e1f80da58,cn=people,dc=stanford,dc=edu mail: # search result search: 2 result: 0 Success # numResponses: 3 # numEntries: 2
An authenticated search:
% ldapsearch -h -b dc=stanford,dc=edu uid=whm mail SASL/GSSAPI authentication started SASL username: SASL SSF: 56 SASL data security layer installed. # extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # base with scope subtree # filter: uid=whm # requesting: mail # # whm, accounts, dn: uid=whm,cn=accounts,dc=stanford,dc=edu # 1188e601a61c4d71828acc6e1f80da58, people, dn: suRegID=1188e601a61c4d71828acc6e1f80da58,cn=people,dc=stanford,dc=edu mail: # search result search: 5 result: 0 Success # numResponses: 3 # numEntries: 2
An authenticated search that limits the values returned for a multi-valued attributes with many values:
% ldapsearch -h ldap-dev -b cn=people,dc=stanford,dc=edu -E 'mv=(cn=*)(suPrivilegeGroup=stanford:*)' "cn=Alisha OHara" uid suPrivilegeGroup SASL/GSSAPI authentication started SASL username: SASL SSF: 56 SASL data security layer installed. # extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # basewith scope subtree # filter: cn=Alisha OHara # requesting: uid suPrivilegeGroup # with valuesReturnFilter control: (cn=*)(suPrivilegeGroup=stanford:*) # # 1188e601a61c4d71828acc6e1f80da58, people, dn: suRegID=1188e601a61c4d71828acc6e1f80da58,cn=people,dc=stanford,dc=edu suPrivilegeGroup: stanford:administrative suPrivilegeGroup: stanford:staff suPrivilegeGroup: stanford:stanford # search result search: 5 result: 0 Success # numResponses: 2 # numEntries: 1
A search that suppresses wrapping of the LDIF output:
% ldapsearch -b cn=people,dc=stanford,dc=edu -o ldif-wrap=no uid=whm suGwAffiliation SASL/GSSAPI authentication started SASL username: SASL SSF: 56 SASL data security layer installed. # extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # basewith scope subtree # filter: uid=whm # requesting: suGwAffiliation # # 1188e601a61c4d71828acc6e1f80da58, people, dn: suRegID=1188e601a61c4d71828acc6e1f80da58,cn=people,dc=stanford,dc=edu suGwAffiliation: University|Staff|Computing Services|System Software Developer # search result search: 5 result: 0 Success # numResponses: 2 # numEntries: 1