To learn more about using a preferred name at Stanford University, refer to the frequently asked questions below.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I get my preferred name to appear in my directory listings and ID card?
Follow the instructions below to enter a preferred name in Axess if you're a student or in StanfordYou if you’re faculty or staff.
- What if I want my full legal name on my ID card?
If you want your full legal name to appear in your directory listing and your ID card, you should not enter a preferred name in the system.
- I have a Stanford ID card that displays my full legal name. Can I get a new card with my preferred name?
Starting in Oct. 1, 2023, if you already have an ID card but would like it reprinted with a preferred name, you can submit a request. Before you submit a request, you should add a preferred name to the university data base. The cost for a reprinted card is $25.
- If I enter a preferred name in the system, where else will it display?
If you enter a preferred name in Axess (students) or in StanfordYou (faculty or staff), it will appear in your online and printed directory listings. If you use the Stanford Mobile application, your preferred name will appear in Stanford Mobile, as well.
- Am I able to select a preferred last name that is different from my legal last name?
Currently, faculty and staff members may select a preferred first and middle name in StanfordYou. To select a preferred last name, faculty and staff members should contact University Human Resources. Students may select a preferred first, middle, and last name in Axess.
- What if I wish to use a single name as my preferred name?
Stanford’s mobile system doesn’t allow individuals to have a blank first or last name. If your preferred name doesn’t include a first name or a last name, you can choose not to use Stanford Mobile or put a character or number in the field that would otherwise be blank.
- Is there anything else I need to know about preferred names?
A preferred name should be a name you commonly go by that reflects your true identity. The ID Card Office will print your preferred name exactly as you have entered it in the system.
- Can I get my hospital ID card updated?
Stanford Hospital employees cannot use StanfordYou. If you are a hospital employee, you should ask your Human Resources department to make any changes.
- I’m a university employee but don't have a SUNet ID. How do I change my information?
If you are a university employee but don't have SUNet ID, ask your department's Human Resources representatives to change your directory information using the HR systems.
- I'm a postdoc who would like to add a preferred name to my contact information, but I don't find that option when I log into Axess. What should I do?
After logging into Axess, postdocs should use the dropdown on the top right to select the "Student" view. Changing your view from "Employee" to "Student" will enable you to access the option to update a preferred name.
- Why is Stanford allowing preferred names to be used on ID cards?
We understand that members of the Stanford community may go by names that differ from their full legal names. Acknowledging the names people choose for themselves is a small but significant way to show our commitment to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment.