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Updated Cardinal Print Drivers Coming in August

As part of our ongoing commitment to improve print service for the university community, the Cardinal Print team will deploy updated print drivers to the campus in mid-to-late August. This update will streamline your experience by offering a single print driver per operating system — eliminating the need for different drivers for the Stanford main campus versus Stanford Redwood City.

The new Cardinal Print drivers will be installed automatically on devices managed by Stanford. No action will be required on your part, except for adjusting your printing preferences if you have created additional printer presets, such as customized options for papersize, orientation, color settings, etc.

Those who print from computers not managed by Stanford (this includes most students) will be able to download and install the new drivers manually once they become available. While we recommend moving to the new drivers sooner rather than later, legacy print drivers will continue to function without interruption for another year — until August 2024.

Please note that the driver update will not affect mobile printing via the Cardinal Print Center, which will remain unchanged.

How do I know if my device is managed?

You can navigate to MyDevices. If the device is listed, it’s managed. To further confirm, click the device name and then click "Management System" on the top menu.

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