Our smartphones go with us wherever we go, and they can provide an extra layer of protection against the spread of COVID. That’s why millions of adults in California have activated CA Notify on their Android and iOS devices since it rolled out last month.
CA Notify is the state’s exposure notification mobile app that enables rapid communication by the way of alerts if you’ve been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus. The state is encouraging all Californians to do their part to stop by the spread of COVID, not only by wearing masks and social distancing, but also by activating the app.
The app, which launched on Dec. 10, lets Californians know if they’ve been within six feet of a person who has tested positive for coronavirus with 15 or more minutes of contact. If you opt in and receive a positive test result, you will receive a code from the state to enter into the app and alert others who may have been in close contact with you.
With this information, the state says Californians can make better decisions around quarantining and testing, which are essential for stopping the surge in COVID cases.
The smartphone-based technology is available through the Google Play Store on Android devices or through iOS settings on Apple devices. It’s easy to use and it protects your privacy. Information in the app remains anonymous; no location data or personally identifiable information is ever collected, stored or transmitted.
How to participate
To participate, simply activate CA Notify on your smartphone and keep your Bluetooth on. Your privacy is protected as your identity is not known and your location is not tracked. To add your iPhone or Android, follow these instructions.
Add Your iPhone Add Your Android
How this fits in with Stanford Health Check
The Stanford Health Check tool tracks the health of our community by requiring a daily self-report of symptoms, exposure, travel and more for all students, faculty, staff and postdocs who want to access Stanford onsite facilities. Based on one’s responses, the tool provides or denies clearance through an onsite access badge. Additionally, if someone at Stanford tests positive for COVID, the university notifies known contacts of potential exposure.
CA Notify is not directly connected to Health Check or its related onsite access badge. Any text notifications from CA Notify of possible exposure are not necessarily due to exposure on campus, but could originate from elsewhere. Stanford is not given a record of these notifications and cannot verify the accuracy or predictability of transmission based on the CA Notify program.
The Stanford community should continue to follow our university guidelines pertaining to the pandemic. For more about health information and self-reporting and testing requirements at Stanford, visit healthalerts.stanford.edu.
Learn more about CA Notify
- For more information about CA Notify, including FAQs, visit this webpage.
- Watch the English or Spanish version of the CA Notify videos.