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If You Use an iOS Device, Prepare to Transition to Jamf

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Starting this fall, Jamf @ Stanford will replace Workspace ONE as Stanford’s Mobile Device Management service (MDM) — bringing many of the same benefits of Jamf for Macs to iOS devices. This initiative is part of the university’s Healthy Devices program, an ongoing effort to make our devices more secure and easier to use.

A more user-friendly MDM

Opening Jamf enrollment to all Stanford-owned and personally-owned iOS devices used for Stanford work will enable us to enhance the overall level of service provided for Apple devices and empower you to do the work you need to do securely and with as little interruption as possible.

Once your device is enrolled in Jamf, you can access Stanford networks, as well as email, calendar, and contacts without having to configure settings on your own. In addition, your device will be compliant with Stanford’s security standards, so you can use Cardinal Key to access the services that require Cardinal Key from your mobile device. 

iOS and Mac Devices: What you need to do

There’s no action for you to take for your iOS device just yet. We’re currently developing a custom migration app to make your experience in migrating from Workspace ONE as seamless as possible. Stay tuned for more details.

On the other hand, the rollout of Jamf for Macs is well underway. If you haven’t already received information, you should soon receive a notification from your local IT support team with instructions for enrolling your Mac device.

You can also choose to begin the enrollment process now by following the instructions on With the Jamf installer, the process takes less than five minutes and requires just a few easy steps on your end. 

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