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Five-Minute File Storage Security Video

Over the next several months, university employees will receive a notification from the Stanford Training and Registration System (STARS) to watch a five-minute video about file storage security at Stanford. Once you receive the STARS request, you will have one month to watch the video.

The video was piloted with University IT’s 600 staff earlier this year, refinements were made in response to feedback, and it is now being rolled out across all of Business Affairs over the next month as an expanded pilot.

Why is this video important?

Improperly configured file permissions have caused multiple privacy incidents at Stanford. The CIO Council sponsored File Storage Security Program was established to reduce this risk across the university’s major file storage systems by proactively identifying and remediating unduly exposed files, implementing automated protection mechanisms, and archiving unneeded data.

While automated protection mechanisms have been deployed, these cannot detect all sensitive data, so each of us will continue playing an important role in safeguarding files. The new awareness video explains what needs our protection and how to protect it.

Learn more

You can learn more about the File Storage Security Program on the service website.

If you have questions or need help, please submit a Help request or email Mike Takahashi, File Storage Security program manager.

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