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How to Migrate your MySQL Database

Accounts and databases will no longer be accessible via the legacy on-premise MySQL database hosting after Oct. 31, 2024. Use the steps below to migrate your existing database(s) before the platform is decommissioned.

Before you begin

To access the cloud MySQL Database Hosting service via the new phpMyAdmin, you must request a new account from the new MySQL Database Application (even if you already have an account in the legacy MySQL database hosting service). 
NOTE: Provisioning for new accounts may take up to one business day. 

Migrate Your Database from Legacy phpMyAdmin to New phpMyAdmin

This guide will show you how to manually migrate the databases of your choice into the new cloud phpMyAdmin. The process consists of an export phase and an import phase. 

  1. Log in to your phpMyAdmin account.

  2. Begin the export phase by selecting the database you want to migrate to our new server. Make this selection on the current phpMyAdmin server. In this example, ‘d_uit_migration_test_db_rr’ is selected.
  3. Once you have selected your database, click on the ‘Export’ option on the upper tabs.

  4. The ‘Export’ tab will open the following menu, where you can select the ‘Quick’ option. Keep the format in SQL. Click Go at the end of the prompt to continue.

  1. The Export button will start the download of an sql file. This download can be found in your file explorer. The file will have the name of your database with a .sql extension at the end, like in our example below.

  2. Now that the file has been created, we may begin the import phase. Log in to the new phpMyAdmin server.

  3. Select the database that matches the one you exported from the previous server.

  4. Click Import.

  1. Click Choose File and file explorer will be opened. Select ‘Downloads’ on the left-hand side of the file explorer. Select the .sql file that was downloaded earlier during the export phase. Be sure to click Open at the bottom of the file explorer after selecting your .sql file.

    Note: In the case that you are doing this process several times, you can keep track of the .sql files by paying attention to their names. The name will correspond to the appropriate database. 

  2. Scroll to the end of the import page and click Import.

  3. You will get the following screen if the migration process is successful: 

  4. You may now view the contents of your database. 

    Note: If your new phpMyAdmin username is different from the old phpMyAdmin username and you are using stored procedures/routines, the import operation will fail. You must edit the .sql file manually using something like Notepad to reflect your new username. See the image below for reference.

    Here, we have the .sql file opened on Notepad. Locate the “Procedures” section of the file. Remove the old username from here and replace it with your current username. Save your file with the new username and repeat the import phase with the updated file.

    Ex: CREATE DEFINER=`your_new_username`@`%` PROCEDURE `sp_GetEmployeeData`()

​Get Help

If you need more assistance with migrating your database, submit a MySQL Help request.
Last modified March 4, 2024