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Incident Notification Messages

Group assignment

Email subject line:

HelpSU #Incident Number# #Last Name#, #First Name# #Phone Number#
has been assigned to your group

Email message body:

HelpSU Incident $Incident Number$ has been assigned to your group:

Requested by $Full Name$ (mail to: $Requester Email_chr$ - $Phone Number$)
Summary: $Description$
Description: $Detailed Description$
Service Type: $Service Type$
Priority: $Priority$

Individual assignment

Email subject line:

HelpSU #Incident Number# #Last Name#, #First Name# #Phone Number#
has been assigned to you

Email message body:

HelpSU Incident $Incident Number$ has been assigned to you:

Requested by $Full Name$ (mail to: $Requester Email_chr$ - $Phone Number$)
Summary: $Description$
Description: $Detailed Description$
Service Type: $Service Type$
Priority: $Priority$

Incident request resolution

Email message body:

Dear $First Name$ $Last Name$,

We are pleased to inform you that your reported HelpSU Incident has been resolved by the support group to which it was assigned.

HelpSU Incident: $Incident Number$

Summary: $Description$

Your reported Incident has been resolved with the following resolution:


Please reply to this message if you have further questions or issues regarding this Incident and that reply will be forwarded to the individual handling your issue. Alternatively, please do not hesitate to contact the IT Service Desk at 650-725-4357 (725-HELP). The Service Desk staff are able to contact specific support groups and individuals should your request need to be reopened or if you need further assistance. Thank you.

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