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Getting Started With Cvent

To request a Cvent account or discover how Cvent can meet your event management needs, submit a Help request to the Cvent team.

If you are currently onboarding to Cvent or planning to onboard, follow these steps –

Prerequisite steps to onboarding to Cvent

The following trainings are required before becoming an events administrator in Stanford UIT’s Cvent enterprise account:

1. Payment Card Industry (PCI) Awareness Training

  • Length: 45 minutes
  • Format: Online self-paced
  • Get access: Request enrollment
    • In the enrollment form, note these selections:
      • Merchant system/accounts: Stripe
      • Merchant system account ID or Name: Stanford UIT Cvent
  • Why required: Cvent may contain financial data and require payment processing; and Stanford requires all university personnel involved in department credit/debit card processing operations and systems infrastructure to complete annual PCI awareness online training.

2. Event Management (Cvent) Training 

* Note: The UIT Cvent training “Event Management (Cvent)” in STARS is different than the Cvent training offered by Stanford Alumni Association (SAA) and the Office of Development (OOD). Please request access here if you need the SAA/OOD training for Cvent.

Once you have completed those trainings, you will be ready to begin onboarding to Cvent, based on where the Cvent service launch process is:

  • If you have been a Certain user with events needing to be transitioned in 2023 or 2024: Our Cvent project team should already be connected with you on your specific needs, and you should already have completed or started the onboarding process, including the required trainings. If you have not been contacted yet, please reach out.

  • If you have a general interest in using Cvent: Complete the prerequisite steps to be prepared to begin using Cvent. Let our team know more about your interest in Cvent, so that you can begin to receive onboarding information.

About the change from Certain to Cvent

Learn more about the transition from Certain to Cvent, including the expected timeline.