The Calendar Year 2017 Project Proposal Submission form (see Instructions tab for more details) is for submitting project proposals for consideration as part of the annual fall SGG meeting(s). During these meetings, which are held in late September/early October, a preliminary ranking of the "Discretionary" projects for the coming year is conducted by the SGG. The key focus for the SGG fall meetings is projects starting in the coming calendar year, although project proposals may be submitted for project that start in later years as well. While there may already be a predetermined list of "Required" and "Enhancement" category projects planned for the coming calendar year, it is also possible that new project proposals may fall into one of those categories. The CFO may make any such determinations during the review period prior to the fall meetings or shortly thereafter. Note that it is not necessary to re-submit multi-year projects on this form if they were approved by SGG in a previous year; they will be covered and discussed as needed in the meetings' financial review.
For more information on the SGG approval process, visit the SGG process page.