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How do I create Stanford-branded short links?

Create Stanford-branded short links using in the Vanity URL tool. Simply add a memorable keyword to, and within minutes, your Stanford web resource will have a URL that users can more easily remember and type. You don’t need a subdomain to create Stanford-branded short links.

For example, clean up a long URL like with a short, friendly URL like

How it works

  1. Log in to the Vanity URL tool.
  2. Click Request New GOTO Short URL.
  3. Enter a keyword(s). (Example: peters-staff).
  4. Enter the long URL (Example:
  5. Choose a Workgroup that will manage this record. (Note: You must be a member of the Workgroup. Workgroup members have the ability to edit, add or delete links. To get set up with a Workgroup, please submit a Help request.).
  6. Adjust the expiration date, if necessary. The maximum is one year and annual renewal is required.
  7. Click Request.

Your URL should be live within five minutes.

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