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Developer APIs

Services and APIs

The RESTful web services provided by Middleware and Integration Services (MaIS) are used to retrieve and modify data (account, student, course, person, privilege / authority, workgroups) from the Registry (a consolidated source of information from different campus source systems).

To get started using the Web APIs please review the Getting Started with the Web APIs Checklist.


The Account web service provides a way to retrieve lists of accounts as well as individual account details given a SUNet ID.

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The CourseClass web service provides a way to retrieve the Course class XML and the Course term XML.

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The person web service provides a way to retrieve person data such as name, email and other details.

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Privilege (Authority)

The Privilege API can be used to retrieve business authority or privileges granted to a SUNetID via Authority Manager.

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The student web service allows for the retrieval of student and course enrollment data.

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The workgroup web service provides a programmatic way to perform all of the same transactions that can be done in Workgroup Manager.

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API Developer Community of Practice

A community for articulating best practices for API development. We are also a learning community, and very open to new people joining us.

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Postman - standalone app and Chrome extension for API testing and development.