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Smartsheet: Switch to the Stanford Site License

University IT maintains an enterprise license for Smartsheet, the popular online project management /collaboration tool.

Stanford community members who currently have personal individual licenses for Smartsheet are invited to switch to the Stanford enterprise license to take advantage of the benefits of the centralized offering.


The Stanford Smartsheet offering provides benefits not available to those who purchase licenses directly from Smartsheet. For a comprehensive list of features, visit the Stanford Smartsheet service webpage.

Here’s what you need to know about switching to centralized Smartsheet at Stanford: 

  • When you submit your request, your existing account will be added to the Stanford license and Smartsheet will no longer bill you for use of your individual license.
  • You will be asked to provide a departmental PTA on the request form; your PTA will be billed a pro-rated amount based on the annual $340 per license fee. Licenses are automatically renewed on November 1 each year (Stanford's Smartsheet contract renewal date).
  • Your existing sheets, reports, and templates in the application will continue to be available for use when you switch over.
  • Once your license is moved over, you can begin accessing Smartsheet directly via The site uses single-sign-on (i.e., Stanford Web Authentication) to identify and log you in. No more remembering a separate login ID and password!
  • You will notice that some administrative options for your account will no longer be available, particularly the option to add/remove licensed users. This function is controlled centrally for the Stanford licensed application, but you still have the unrestricted ability to invite individuals to view/collaborate on your sheets.

Designed for

Current faculty and staff with a full-service SUNet ID

Data security

This service may be used for High Risk data, including protected health information as defined by the Information Security Office. For more information, visit the Stanford Smartsheet service webpage.


$340 per year (pro-rated based on automatic renewal of all licenses on November 1). For more information, visit the Stanford Smartsheet service webpage.


Get started

When you’re ready to switch to the central Stanford site license for Smartsheet, go to the Stanford Software Licensing Webstore and place an order for a Smartsheet license. 

The University IT AS Tools Team will merge your existing license with the Stanford enterprise license and contact you to confirm when the merge is complete.

Have Questions? Submit a Help request.


Get help

Submit a Help request for assistance in switching from a personal Smartsheet account to the centralized Stanford instance.

Learn more

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