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Project Tracker Detailed Usage Instructions

When managing a project, use the Project Tracker available in the Smartsheet PMO shared workspace to track project related Risks, Issues, Decisions, and Action Items.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. In Smartsheet, navigate to the PMO workspace.
  2. Locate the Project Tracker — Template sheet and select Save as New... from the actions menu for this sheet.
  3. Save the file, naming it "Project Tracker — project_name", where project_name is replaced with your project's name.
  4. Edit the column properties for the following columns to configure this for your project:
    • Row ID (required): Update the Prefix (currently ProjName) with a short version of your project's name.
    • Component (optional): Update the Drop Down List so that it contains the components used by your project.
  5. Share this sheet with the appropriate UIT PMO lead so (s)he can run cross project reports.
Column Name Intended Use
Row ID A system-generated number of the format ProjectName-XXX, where XXX is the system-generated number that will be incremented when a new row is added.
Date Created System-generated based on the date the new row is created.
Row Type A dropdown list to allow you to designate a row as one of the following: Risks, Issues, Decisions, or Action Items.
Row Impact A dropdown list to allow you to note the area of the project that this row impacts. Template values are Scope, Design, Resourcing, Deadline, and Priority.
Priority Uses Smartsheet icons to mark the priority of a row as high, medium, or low.
Item Description The description for this row, e.g., the Risk, Issue, Decision, or Action Item to be tracked.
Component A dropdown list of user-defined values to provide another way of categorizing a row. An example might be to have values of Back-end, DB, GUI, and Documentation to help identify the team that might need to work on it, or the area that this row impacts.
Assigned To The person that owns the decision or resolution of this row.
Stakeholders A row to capture the people or groups impacted by this row.
Due Date A calendar section GUI to select the due date for this row. Using the GUI allows for improved reporting.
Status A dropdown list with the following choices: New, In Progress, and Closed.
% Done Uses the Smartsheet "Harvey Ball" images to show 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 percent.
Next Steps A text column to capture what needs to happen next to get this row completed.
Resolution/Decision A text column to capture what was done to complete this row.
Closed Date A calendar selection GUI to select the close or completion date for this row. Using the GUI allows for improved reporting.
Comments A text column to capture any additional data about this row that didn't fit in any other column.