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Cloud Adoption

Projects to support priority

We will facilitate adoption of cloud-based technologies that enable Stanford to be nimble, cost-efficient, secure and innovative with a variety of computing and collaboration needs.

Goal 1: Perform cloud governance and portfolio management. University IT will develop a cloud portfolio strategy supported by a cloud advisory and governance structure. (multi-year)

Project/Description Key Dates Contacts
Define scope of University IT activities for portfolio management for UIT and distributed IT. 5/1/17-1/12/18

Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Business Affairs
Create portfolio management strategy to govern product acquisitions focused on cloud transition (including aspects of business, infrastructure, and research).


Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Business Affairs
Define criteria for strategic partnerships and provide ongoing relationship management for cloud-sourced services.


Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Continued progress on communication strategy. 10/3/16-9/1/17

Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Goal 2: Define organizational development program Update roles, skills and competencies for University IT staff associated with cloud solutions to reflect cloud-related service and technology expertise required to achieve the University IT vision and goals.

Project/Description Key Dates Contacts
Manage change, support transformation and communication. 5/1/17-12/31/19

Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Define roles and responsibilities. 6/26/17-12/31/19

Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Skills assessment and training 8/1/17-12/31/19

Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Organizational Structure - Assess structure to support cloud activities, skills and roles. 11/1/17-4/30/18

Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Goal 3: Integrate cloud systems, processes, and services. University IT will integrate the cloud-source lifecycle (from sourcing through acquisition and billing) into its enterprise vendor management, procurement, and billing systems to support cloud deployments.

Project/Description Key Dates Contacts

Business Affairs
Re-engineer business process and associated system integrations to support new cloud services.


Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Integration of [Top X] cloud deployments with ServiceNow and other systems of record for service and system dependencies. 8/1/17-4/30/18

Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Finalize BAA with AWS (direct or via AWS reseller) in order to balance the offerings available across each of the principal IaaS vendor platforms for Stanford’s deployment of services supporting university activities that involve PHI. 5/1/17-7/31/17

Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Goal 4: Run Mission Critical Services in the Cloud. New systems and software deployments will be cloud-sourced. Current University IT owned and operated critical campus services and core infrastructure will be primarily cloud-sourced. In addition, ERP systems will have detailed project schedules to not be exclusively hosted on campus.

Project/Description Key Dates Contacts
Core foundational services to support IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS deployments. 4/5/16-4/30/18

Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Deploy mission critical services into the cloud (based on goal #1) 7/1/17-12/31/19

Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Goal 5: Reduce UIT computing footprint on campus 50%. University IT owned systems will reduce their campus power consumption related to non-research computing by 50% relative to 2015 consumption.

Project/Description Key Dates Contacts
Partner with facilities to baseline current power consumption and physical plant footprint. 6/1/17-8/31/17

Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Review current data center hardware. Develop strategy for sunsetting older hardware and routinizing refresh hardware process to evaluate for cloud opportunities. 7/3/17-10/2/17

Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Establish goals/quotas/incentives for reduction of measureable resource consumption. 7/3/17-3/30/18

Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Goal 6: Exit Livermore disaster recovery site Redesign disaster recovery and business continuity to leverage cloud-hosting and related services. Have detailed project schedule for exiting the Livermore

Project/Description Key Dates Contacts
In alignment with the UIT BC/DR strategy, based on risk management and business continuity best-practice as guidance, develop exit strategy. 8/1/17-1/31/18

Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

Collaborate with application owners and clients to develop associated milestone dates in alignment with the exit strategy and client production roadmap plans. 11/1/17-3/31/18

Kim Seidler

Bruce Vincent

Toai Vo

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