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Service Spotlights

CRC Deploys Computers 33 Percent Faster

May 2, 2016

Smartsheet Enterprise License at Stanford

April 1, 2016

New Jabber Service Ties Chat, Voice, and Video

March 1, 2016

New Privilege Groups for Controlling Online Access

March 1, 2016

Supporting Stanford Merchants: PCI DSS 2016 Update

February 1, 2016

Service Desk Enhancements Focus on You

February 1, 2016

Service Design Breaks Ground for University IT

January 7, 2016

Deep Discounts on Pure Storage Now Available

January 7, 2016

Assuring Software Quality at Stanford

December 1, 2015

Wi-Fi Calling Helps Bridge Cell Gaps

December 1, 2015

Office 365 OneDrive and Online Docs Coming Soon

November 2, 2015

Office 365 ProPlus is here!

October 1, 2015
