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Connect with IT on Slack

A new Slack workspace gives IT professionals across Stanford a shared platform to connect, converse and collaborate
Tuesday, June 5, 2018

There’s a new way for IT professionals across Stanford to connect and communicate: the IT at Stanford workspace on Slack.

Launched in late May, the IT at Stanford workspace is designed to give IT professionals at Stanford a platform to connect, converse and collaborate on IT-related topics. It’s also open to anyone on the Stanford Slack Grid – including students, faculty and staff – to discuss and share ideas and feedback, join forces on projects, ask and answer questions, brainstorm, and more. Already, there are nearly 200 members in the workspace, and that number continues to grow as more people learn about it.

“With the IT at Stanford Slack workspace, we have the potential to much more easily share and exchange ideas with our IT colleagues, participate in rich, real-time discussions, start building stronger relationships, and create a more engaged and connected IT community, which has been a long-time desire,” said Sean Brandt, associate director of application services in the School of Humanities and Sciences.

What will I find there?

The IT at Stanford workspace features a general channel for all IT topics to be discussed, along with a Campus IT Plan channel specifically dedicated for discussion about current and future IT efforts, including those recently published on the Campus IT Plan website.

Additionally, the workspace includes several private channels to connect current and former participants of both ITLP (Information Technology Leadership Program) and STLP (Stanford Technical Leadership Program). The 300 or so current and former ITLP and STLP participants will be added to those channels this week.

With time, the IT at Stanford workspace will evolve to include even more channels – which can be created by any member – relevant to the IT community.

“I hope this workspace makes it more commonplace for IT colleagues across schools and units to reach out to each other, share freely, and chat regularly,” said Swati Prabhu, associate director of technology in Lands, Buildings and Real Estate. “Anyone with an IT role at Stanford should consider joining and be an active participant in building a stronger IT community."

How do I join?

If you’re an IT professional or interested in IT topics, we encourage you to join the IT at Stanford workspace today.

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