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Collect and prioritize content

1. Send a call for content to:

See Sample Email: Call for content

2. Record submitted ideas

As suggestions for content come in, record them on the “Article Ideas” tab in the Content Producer Project Tracking Log.

  • Select “proposed” under the appropriate column: UIT News, UIT Newsletter, UIT Community, UIT Homepage Banner

3. Respond to each person that submits an idea for consideration

See Sample Email: Response to article ideas

4. Work with team to select and prioritize article lineup

  • Send proposed article ideas to UIT Communications team and Nancy E. Ware, Chief of Staff, for selection and prioritization.

  • Prioritize content based on your personal knowledge, choosing articles that are relevant/appropriate/timely and ensuring a good mix of topics. Recommend a lineup of 3-4 articles, as well a list of alternates in case any of the recommended stories falls through. The team will then weigh in with their feedback on your proposal.

  • Include the name of the person that suggested the article and organization they represent (ITS, AS, SS, or ISO) if not obvious from the article topic/detail itself.

See Sample Email: Proposed Article Ideas to Nancy and Team for Selection/Prioritization

5. Confirm content lineup

Once the team and Nancy weigh in on the content priorities, work with your supervisor to finalize the lineup and make content assignments to the content producers.

  • When an item is confirmed, meaning there is confirmation from appropriate team members (your supervisor), then switch the status in the the Project Tracking Log spreadsheet  to “confirmed.”

  • Send confirmation email and touch base with each content producer via Slack to make sure they are aware of their assignment and due date for drafts.

See Sample Email: Content confirmation email


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