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Sample Email: Call for Articles

Subject line: Call for UIT News and Community Site Content

Good morning,

The Communications team is looking for valuable content to feature on the UIT Community site and/or upcoming issues of University IT’s monthly newsletter.

We want to hear from you:

  • What’s new, changing, or going away in your area?

  • What future project are you most excited about?

  • What are you working on that will significantly impact clients/the university?

  • What do you wish our clients knew?

  • What UIT staff member or team is doing something extraordinary in your area?

Chat with your team and drop me a line with an answer to any of these questions. You are welcome to send content ideas at any time. However, for possible inclusion in the August UIT Newsletter, please send content suggestions by Wednesday, July 26.

About the UIT Community site and UIT Newsletter

The UIT Community site is University IT’s internal website available to the 500+ staff members in UIT. The site helps staff stay current on organizational news, plug into projects, and connect with colleagues. Twice per month, UIT staff members receive an email Roundup of the latest stories and headlines on the site.

The UIT Newsletter is distributed by email once a month to an audience of over 16,000 faculty and staff members (IT professionals AND non-IT folks alike). The goal is to raise awareness about available or upcoming UIT services and initiatives, and showcase the value our organization provides.

Please let me know if you have any questions and thanks in advance for your content ideas.

-[Your name] & the UIT Communications team

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