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Qualtrics Accessibility and Usability

Qualtrics has several options available to make your surveys more accessible. Follow the tips below to make your next Qualtrics survey optimized for the broadest audience possible.

Check survey accessibility

Qualtrics offers survey creators the option of running accessibility checks on surveys. If potential problems are found within the survey, the survey creator will be notified and given suggestions for how they can change the questions to make them more accessible.

Accessible and non-accessible question types

Did you know that multiple choice questions are accessible, while "pick, group, and rank" questions are not? Qualtrics gives examples of accessible and non-accessible question types so you know how to better serve survey responders. 

Auto-number questions

Set up your Qualtrics account to automatically number every question, which can help users with screen readers track their progress. 

Change button text

To better serve an international community, Qualtrics by default labels the button to continue to the next screen as ">>," and the button to go back as "<<." But by changing the button text to "back" and "next," you can make your survey more accessible to users with screen readers.   

Change the default survey title

In Qualtrics, you are asked to name your survey when you first create it, and there is also the option to change your survey page title — or what users will see as the title on an open tab in a browser.

Qualtrics' default page title for all surveys is "Online Survey Software | Qualtrics Survey Solutions," but Qualtrics recommends changing page titles to something more specific because page titles are usually the first thing that screen readers read. Changing this to something more specific to your survey will help users with screen readers better track content if they have multiple tabs open, especially if they have multiple Qualtrics surveys open.

To change the default survey title, click Survey Options. Find the text field that says Survey Title and change it to something that adequately and briefly describes the content of your survey. Click Save

Learn more about web accessibility 

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