Your Stanford ID card image is the picture printed on your Stanford ID card. The image can only be viewed by authorized users of the university’s access and transaction systems, unless you change the privacy setting.
To change the visibility settings of the image via StanfordYou:
- Log into StanfordYou.
Note: Students cannot change their image visibility settings in StanfordYou. If you are a student, use the Privacy function of Stanford Axess to change the visibility settings of your Stanford ID card image.
- Click Maintain your directory and AlertSU emergency contact information.
- Click change visibility, next to Image.
- Select Private, Stanford, or Public, in the Image visibility dropdown list.
- Private - Your Stanford ID card image will remain private and can only be seen by you and authorized users of the university access and transaction systems.
- Stanford - Where the image appears on Stanford websites, only people authenticated by a SUNet ID can view the image.
- Public - Where the image appears on Stanford websites, anyone viewing the web page can view the image.
- Click Save.
Image usage
Photos taken for and included on the Stanford ID card do not automatically appear on any university websites, in any applications or in any printed materials.
However, starting April 29, 2020, Stanford faculty and staff ID card photos are included in StanfordWho, the university's online directory, when the visibility setting is changed from Private to Stanford or Public. This includes photos taken for the ID card and photos that have been uploaded to the ID card website.
Note: You may opt to have the image that appears in StanfordWho populated by the image you uploaded in Stanford Profiles, a virtual workspace designed to support collaboration among faculty, graduate students, and postdocs. To do this, ensure the visibility setting for your ID card image is set to Private.
In addition, approval by university human resources, staff and faculty photos may be included on specified websites, applications or as part of printed materials. Even with this approval from human resources, your photo will only appear if you have changed the visibility setting from Private to Stanford or Public.