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Class Email List

Class email lists enable you to send announcements easily to everyone associated with your class. When you register for Email Announcement Lists, University IT creates an e-mail distribution list of all your students (along with three other email lists described below). This student list is kept up-to-date automatically, using current enrollment data from the Registrar, so you won’t have to subscribe or unsubscribe students as they add or drop the class. Please note that students’ "" email addresses are the ones used for University IT class email lists. Students who use another account as a primary email address will need to forward the address to the preferred address using StanfordYou.

Following are the lists included with University IT Course Support:


List Name Privileges Subscription Posting Populate
Controlled by the staff supporting the course. Closed list. New member subscriptions must be approval by staff supporting the course. Open. Anyone can send email to this list. Initially populated automatically from information you provide on the registration form.
Membership is controlled automatically. Staff can use to see the names/emails of students on the list. Initially, closed and locked.
Uses student’s address.
Initial setting is to allow staff postings only. Staff can change privileges via Updated daily with data from the Registrar.
Membership is controlled by staff supporting the course. Closed by default.
Staff can open the list to anyone.
Staff postings only. Populated by staff (if closed), or populated by people wanting access (if opened).
Limited to course staff, students enrolled in the course, and guests. Closed and locked. Staff postings only. Automatic.
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