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Install SecureFX for Mac

SecureFX is a secure file transfer program. It supports multiple protocols that include SFTP, SCP, FTPS (FTP/TLS), and FTP.

  1. Download and run the SecureFX for Mac installer for Intel or Apple silicon Macs.
    SecureFX icon.
  2. If prompted for permission to proceed, click Open.
    App downloaded from the internet warning menu.
  3. Click Enter License Data to add the software license. 
    SecureFX License Agreement menu.
  4. Download and open the SecureFX 9.0 License Data file.
  5. Copy the entire block of text for the SecureFX 9.0 License Data section only and paste it into the provided box. Click Continue.
    SecureFX License Wizard menu highlighting the box where the license is entered and the Continue button is highlighted.
  6. Click Done to save the license data.
    SecureFX License Wizard menu with accepted notices and the done button is highlighted.
  7. Choose either option for configuration passphrase as applicable and click OK.
    Create SecureFX Passphrase menu.
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