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Digital Signature - Adobe Sign

Send forms electronically to be completed and signed

If you've previously used Adobe Sign under a different name or email address, your group admin must contact Adobe Sign Support for assistance. If you don't know who your group admin is, submit a Help request.

Digital signature software offers an alternative to paper based forms. Instead of completing and signing forms by hand, digital signature software allows users to complete and sign forms electronically.

When you need to collect information from an individual or a group of people, you can use digital signature software to create a custom form. You then use the software to send the form out to be completed and signed. The software routes the document to the recipients either in parallel or serial order, depending upon your designation. The software has a built-in tracking feature that sends notifications to you when a document is signed, and reminders when a document has not been signed.

This software helps prevent common mistakes, such as missing a required signature or using an outdated form.

Importantly, digital signatures are legally binding in most industrialized nations, having the same legal status as a handwritten signature.


  • Create custom forms quickly and easily - adding signature and form fields as needed
  • Send to multiple recipients - allowing people to sign in parallel or serial order
  • Track the status of a document in real time
  • Available as a desktop application, web portal, and on mobile devices
  • Integrates with common productivity tools such as Microsoft Word and Salesforce
  • Send documents to individuals who are not affiliated with Stanford
  • A "Groups" feature which allows you to have separate subsets of users that have access to different Library Documents and settings
Note: Individual teams must appoint an active user within their workgroup as the administrator. Administrators can add and remove Adobe Sign group members as needed. For further assistance, administrators can submit a Help Ticket to the UIT Service Desk.​

Designed for

Faculty and staff

Data security

This service can be used for Low, Moderate, and High Risk Data, including Protected Health Information (PHI) Data, as defined by the Information Security Office.

Note: Before using Adobe Sign for PHI Data, please reach out to UIT to configure the system for secure management of PHI Data documents.
Note: For information on using Adobe Sign to obtain electronic signatures on research records in accordance with FDA 21 CFR 11, please see the Stanford Research Office Adobe Sign Part 11 website.


Free of charge

Get started

Note: If you previously used Adobe Sign under a different name or email address, your group admin must contact Adobe Sign Support for assistance.

To request access to Adobe Sign, submit a Help ticket. If you are using Adobe Sign for PHI Data, please mention so in the ticket. UIT needs to configure the system for secure management of PHI Data documents.

Document reviewers, approvers, and signers do not need to submit a Help ticket for access to perform their assigned role in relationship to a document.

Get help

Note: If you previously used Adobe Sign under a different name or email address, your group admin must contact Adobe Sign Support for assistance.

If you don’t know who your group admin is, submit a Help request to the UIT Service Desk.

Learn more

Adobe provides a considerable amount of documentation for Adobe Sign. Below are some links that you might find useful:

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