Topic | Process |
Approving for others |
At times the Assessor and/or CI Approver will not be available for approval.
Note: In some cases, the Approver can be reached by phone. If so, accept verbal approval after reviewing the Change and use the "i" next to the approval to both approve and include a comment on the approval that it was received by "x" verbally on the phone on x day at x time. |
PIR Emergency |
Conducting PIR (state PIR) for Type Emergency
Note: After closing the PIR Task, no one will be assigned to PIR, so you should plan on completing steps 7 - 10 consecutively. |
PIR (not Emergency) |
Do you think PIR is require on a Change? If so, set PIR to Required and add a comment that will help you and rest of Change Management Team know why you set it. Keep in mind that All Emergency Change requests along with any Change that was Completed - Unsuccessfully or where the task was Completed Unsuccessfully. Conducting PIR (any Change in the state of PIR is ready for the Change Management team to complete).
Note: After closing the PIR Task, no one will be assigned to PIR, so you should plan on completing steps 7 - 10 consecutively. |