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Hospital Staff: How to Keep Your SUNet ID Active

Hospital staff SUNet IDs will expire on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2020 unless they are sponsored. If you need your SUNet ID to remain active after Feb. 6, you must request sponsorship by Friday, Jan. 31. If you don’t need your SUNet ID to remain active, no action is necessary.

What do I need to do?

If you need your SUNet ID to remain active:

  • You must request sponsorship for your SUNet ID by Jan. 31 to allow time for UIT to process your request.
  • To make the request, review the instructions in Request Sponsorship for a SUNet ID: Stanford Medicine then fill out the online request for SUNet ID sponsorship on that page or contact the UIT Service Desk by calling 650-725-4357 (5-HELP). All sponsored SUNet IDs are valid for up to one year, and must be renewed annually.

If you want to check the status of your SUNet ID sponsorship:

  • Log in to Sponsorship Manager with your SUNet ID and password to check the start and end dates of your sponsored SUNet ID. Sponsorships with a created status will automatically become active after Feb. 6.

If you need your SUNet ID to be active in the future, you can request sponsorship to re-activate it.

Note: You may want to review and update your contact information and visibility settings in StanfordYou after Feb. 6.

How to get help

If you have questions about this change or need help, please submit a Help ticket to the UIT Service Desk.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why is this change happening?
The university has changed SUNet ID eligibility guidelines to require hospital staff to be sponsored for a SUNet ID. On Feb. 6, University IT will remove hospital affiliation and contact data from its system, including the StanfordWho directory and StanfordYou.
Do I need to complete the online form and call the Service Desk to request a sponsored SUNet ID?
You can either complete the online request for SUNet ID sponsorship, or call the UIT Service Desk to request a sponsored SUNet ID. To learn more, go to Request a Sponsorship for a SUNet ID: Stanford Medicine.
What happens if I don’t take action by Friday, Jan. 31?
If you don’t take action, your SUNet ID will expire after Thursday, Feb. 6. If you need an active SUNet ID in the future, you can request sponsorship of your existing SUNet ID by completing the online request for SUNet ID sponsorship, or calling the UIT Service Desk.
Do I need a SUNet ID to use the Lane Library?
No, you do not need a SUNet ID to use the Lane Library. You can use your hospital ID to access Lane Library resources.
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