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IT Funding Models

Projects to support priority

We will assess and rationalize funding models (e.g., service center, General Funds, and other chargeback models) for University IT communications and support.

Project/Description Key Dates Contacts

Business Affairs
Finalize capital and operating cost models as well as funding recommendations for all University IT services for Redwood City.

4/1/17-7/31/17 Molly Reynick

Business Affairs
Determine which charge-back services are candidates for central funding and complete financial impact analysis.

4/1/17-9/30/17 Molly Reynick

Business Affairs
Review analysis and conceptual recommendation with Budget Group, University Budget Office, and Provost, seeking feedback on any changes.

4/1/17-11/30/17 Molly Reynick

Business Affairs
Prepare budget request.

4/1/17-1/31/18 Molly Reynick

Business Affairs
If changes are approved, prepare for implementation of new model(s) (e.g., client documentation, ordering/billing system updates, etc) and communicate new model(s) to campus community.

4/1/17-4/30/18 Molly Reynick
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