Stanford IT Open House
We use information technology (IT) every day to communicate and get things done. Some of us are online or on-gadget every minute! But how often do we get a chance to stop and chat in-person with an expert about our IT needs and questions? Or see a live demo of emerging technology we’ve only heard about in ads? Or share our IT success stories and achievements with interested colleagues?
At Stanford, the answer is — at least once per year!
At the IT Open House, staff, faculty, and students meet face-to-face with the people who deliver Stanford’s IT resources and services, as well as with the many industry partners who co-sponsor the event with IT Services.
Attracting around 600 attendees, the 2014 Stanford IT Open House on May 7th celebrated the theme “Highlighting Campus Partnerships.” Exhibits covered a wide range of campus services, initiatives and projects, and vendor offerings. The program included speaker and vendor presentations, and a prize raffle.
The three previous IT Open House events — “CONNECT! Anywhere, anytime,” “IT’s in the Cloud” and “Mobile Stanford” — featured nearly 100 Stanford and corporate sponsor exhibits and a host of Stanford innovators and thought leaders who shared their knowledge of and vision for technology in higher education. Audiences of 700-plus came to learn about topics ranging from Stanford and online learning, to our brains on multitasking, to the future architecture of the Internet. According to feedback submitted after the events, attendees have been delighted by what they’ve seen and learned.
Just as Stanford's annual IT Unconference events are fostering relationships among tech support staff and managers across campus, IT Services views the annual IT Open House as an occasion to spark and renew contacts and build on the opportunities Stanford gives us to make a difference.
Learn about the next Stanford IT Open House at
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