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Making Progress on Endpoint Encryption

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

In the first six weeks since the current phase of the university-wide verifiable employee encryption initiative began, we have already seen an 11% increase in compliant devices.  With the support of our campus partners, we are gradually opting-in employee populations each week, providing a 30-day grace period before restricting campus network access for any of their remaining non-compliant devices.  Below, you'll find our tentative rollout schedule, which will be modified as necessary based on IT support load.

As anticipated, many registered devices are no longer in use and are being flagged as such by employees via the My Devices application.  This is a desired outcome of the encryption effort, producing an accurate inventory of computing devices that are currently in use.

To learn more about Stanford's encryption program, please see  Thank you for your continued support of this important initiative.

Notification Start Date Included Populations Enforcement Date
10/20/15     All regular staff (not SoM or SUL) with SUNet IDs starting with A or B + SoM provided list (61) + all University IT 11/19/15
11/03/15     All regular staff (not SoM or SUL) with SUNet IDs starting with A-F + SoM provided list (122) + all Business Affairs + all Law School + all H&S DLCL and Deans Office + all fully compliant staff 12/03/15
11/10/15     All regular staff (not SoM or SUL) with SUNet IDs starting with A-K + SoM provided list (200) + all GSB (not students) 12/10/15
11/17/15 All regular staff (not SoM or SUL) with SUNet IDs starting with A-P + SoM provided list (200) 12/17/15
12/08/15  All regular staff (not SoM or SUL) with SUNet IDs starting with A-U + SoM provided list 01/07/16
12/15/15 All regular staff (not SoM or SUL) with SUNet IDs starting with A-Z + SoM provided list 01/14/16
01/05/16 All non-student staff (not SoM) with SUNet IDs starting with A-I + SoM provided list 02/04/16
01/12/16 All non-student staff (not SoM) with SUNet IDs starting with A-Q + SoM provided list  02/11/16
01/19/16  All non-student staff (not SoM) with SUNet IDs starting with A-Z + SoM provided list + all SUL 02/18/16
01/26/16 All staff and affiliates (not SoM) with SUNet IDs starting with A-I + SoM provided list  02/25/16
02/02/16  All staff and affiliates (not SoM) with SUNet IDs starting with A-Q + SoM provided list   03/03/16
02/09/16 All staff and affiliates (not SoM) with SUNet IDs starting with A-Z + SoM provided list  03/10/16
02/16/16 All faculty (not SoM) with SUNet IDs starting with A-I + SoM provided list  03/17/16
02/23/16 All faculty (not SoM) with SUNet IDs starting with A-Q + SoM provided list  03/24/16
03/01/16 All faculty (not SoM) with SUNet IDs starting with A-Z + SoM provided list  03/31/16

For each device in MyDevices, users have four options:

  1. Disavowal: Indicate that the device is no longer being used.
    1. Open to see a list of devices and their compliance statuses.
    2. Click the Remove button for that device.
    3. Select the appropriate reason for removal and click the Submit button.
  2. Remediation: Bring the device into compliance.
    1. Open to see a list of devices and their compliance statuses.
    2. Click on the device's link in the Model column to open its details page.
    3. Complete the specified actions in the Compliance Information section.
  3. Exception: Submit an exception request for computers that cannot support encryption due to special research requirements.
    1. Open and use the exception link in the second paragraph.
    2. Your exception request will be reviewed within one week.
  4. No action:
    1. Receive weekly email notifications until the device's 30-day enforcement grace period has expired.
    2. Campus network access will be restricted for any device that remains non-compliant after its 30-day grace period has expired.
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