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Creating the Newsletter in Mailchimp

1. Log in to MailChimp, the Stanford University IT account.

2. Select Campaigns.

3. On the most recently distributed campaign, click View Report and select Replicate.

4. The To and From fields are fine as is - you do not need to do anything there.

5. Edit Subject: Update this to the month that the Newsletter will be sent. Click Save.

6. Navigate to Share your Campaign > Campaign link and click Edit.

7. Update the link to reflect the month and year of the current issue. (Ex: uit-news-april-2019) Click Save.

8. Navigate to Settings & Tracking. Click Edit

9. Make sure the Google Analytics link tracking box is checked. Rename the Title for campaign with the month and year of the current issue. (Ex: UIT_Newsletter_April_2019). 

10. Now you are ready to edit the design and content. Navigate back to the Content section and click Edit Design.

11. Edit the newsletter to reflect a draft of the current issue.

  • It's recommended that you type in the article summaries, rather than copy/paste to avoid formatting and style glitches. If you choose to copy/paste content into MailChimp, use a text editor to strip formatting so MailChimp fonts stay intact. If you choose to type in content, be sure to proof the content afterward and check for typos and misspellings to ensure you didn't introduce any errors.

TIP: Send test emails of the newsletter to yourself to make sure it looks the way you want. Make corrections as necessary.

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