General Guidelines
- Newsletter publishes third Wednesday of every month.
- Article drafts are due the Monday of the week prior to publishing.
- Newsletter draft review is sent out the Monday prior to publish date.
January 2019
- Dec. 12: Call for article ideas (articles due Dec. 17)
- Dec. 17: Comm team article selection/prioritization
- Dec. 20: Confirmation Slack message to Comm team
- Jan. 14: Article drafts due
- Jan. 21: Newsletter review to Leadership and Comm team
- Jan. 23: Distribution
February 2019
- Jan. 24: Call for article ideas (articles due Jan. 30)
- Jan. 30: Comm team article selection/prioritization
- Jan. 31: Confirmation Slack message to Comm team
- Feb. 11: Article drafts due
- Feb. 18: Newsletter review to Leadership and Comm team
- Feb. 20: Distribution
March 2019
- Feb. 21: Call for article ideas (articles due Feb. 27)
- Feb. 27: Comm team article selection/prioritization
- Feb. 28: Confirmation Slack message to Comm team
- March 11: Article drafts due
- March 18: Newsletter review to Leadership and Comm
- March 20: Distribution
April 2019
- March 21: Call for article ideas (articles due March 27)
- March 27: Comm team article selection/prioritization
- March 28: Confirmation Slack message to Comm team
- April 15: Article drafts due
- April 22: Newsletter review to Leadership and Comm team
- April 24: Distribution
May 2019
- April 25: Call for article ideas (articles due May 1)
- May 1: Comm team article selection/prioritization
- May 2: Confirmation Slack message to Comm team
- May 13: Article drafts due
- May 20: Newsletter review to Leadership and Comm
- May 22: Distribution
June 2019
- May 23: Call for article ideas (articles due May 29)
- May 29: Comm team article selection/prioritization
- May 30: Confirmation Slack message to Comm team
- June 10 : Article drafts due
- June 17: Newsletter review to Leadership and Comm
- June 19: Distribution
July 2019
- June 20: Call for article ideas (articles due June 26)
- June 26: Comm team article selection/prioritization
- June 27: Confirmation Slack message to Comm team
- July 15: Article drafts due
- July 22: Newsletter review to Leadership and Comm
- July 24: Distribution
August 2019
- July 25: Call for article ideas (articles due July 31)
- July 31: Comm team article selection/prioritization
- Aug. 1: Confirmation Slack message to Comm team
- Aug. 12: Article drafts due
- Aug. 19: Newsletter review to Leadership and Comm team
- Aug. 21: Distribution
September 2019
- Aug. 22: Call for article ideas (articles due Aug. 28)
- Aug. 28: Comm team article selection/prioritization
- Aug. 29: Confirmation Slack message to Comm team
- Sept. 9: Article drafts due
- Sept. 16: Newsletter review to Leadership and Comm team
- Sept. 18: Distribution
October 2019
- Sept. 19: Call for article ideas (articles due Sept. 25)
- Sept. 25: Comm team article selection/prioritization
- Sept. 26: Confirmation Slack message to Comm team
- Oct. 14: Article drafts due
- Oct. 21: Newsletter review to Leadership and Comm team
- Oct. 23: Distribution
November 2019
- Oct. 24: Call for article ideas (articles due Oct. 30)
- Oct. 30: Comm team article selection/prioritization
- Oct. 31: Confirmation Slack message to Comm team
- Nov. 13: Article drafts due
- Nov. 18: Newsletter review to Leadership and Comm team
- Nov. 20: Distribution
December 2019
- Nov. 14: Call for article ideas (articles due Jan. 14)
- Nov. 19: Comm team article selection/prioritization
- Nov. 20: Confirmation Slack message to Comm team
- Dec. 4: Article drafts due
- Dec. 9: Newsletter review to Leadership and Comm team
- Dec. 11: Distribution
January 2020
- Dec. 12: Call for article ideas (articles due Dec. 18)
- December 18: Comm team article selection/prioritization
- December 19: Confirmation Slack message to Comm team
- Jan. 13: Article drafts due
- Jan. 20: Newsletter review to Leadership and Comm
- January 22: Distribution