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Google Drive

Google Drive is a web and desktop file sync and share service that's part of Google Workspaces (formerly G Suite). It's available to all Stanford affiliates and full-sponsored SUNet IDs. Associated tools include Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and other collaboration tools.


  • Accessible via Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari and other modern browsers for all operating systems
  • Google Drive for macOS, Windows, iOS, iPadOS and Android mobile devices 
  • Google Drive for desktops (formerly File Stream) presents your Drive as a navigable icon on your desktop, giving you browsable access to terabytes of data without filling up your hard drive
  • Google Drive Backup & Sync, which replicates files across your devices and the cloud
  • Well-integrated with Stanford Slack
  • Can be used with Protected Health Information (PHI) with the use of Cardinal Key plus University IT setup assistance



Use this option when you…

  • Want to use the primary sync and share tool on campus
  • Need a tool that automatically integrates with campus directory of workgroups
  • Want something with an easy-to-use permissions model
  • Want to send large files over email, Slack or other collaboration tools
  • Are seeking to extend the capabilities using API and command line tools
  • Prefer a desktop application that shows all your shared workgroup or department files

Storage Limit

Due to Google's shift away from free, unlimited storage, the university will limit the amount of free storage in each My Drive or shared drive to 5 terabytes (TB).Those with storage needs beyond the 5 TB limit can submit a PTA to purchase more storage from the university. The Google Workspace Optimization Project is a multi-year initiative to help prepare the university for a sustainable Google Workspace.

Additionally, Google may impose daily limits on uploads (data ingress) by reducing bandwidth on transmissions.

Example Use Cases

  • Personal file storage with automatic replication of some directories
  • Sharing files among a workgroup or school
  • Sharing files with external collaborators
  • As a replacement for department file servers

Cost Considerations

Google Workspace accounts, which include Google Drive, are automatically provisioned to all students, staff and faculty for free. Affiliates and guests can be provisioned a Google Workspace account through a fully-sponsored (not free) SUNet ID.


Support for the service is provided to the campus community by University IT. Some departments may have CRC Endpoint Support for additional support.