For a list of modules included with the Drupal 8 version of Stanford Sites, please visit the Included Modules page on the Stanford Sites Drupal 8 User Guide.
The list below shows the Drupal 7 modules included with websites created using the Stanford Sites tool (click on a module name for details). Once your website is installed and running, you can log in and administer any of these modules (activate, deactivate, configure, etc.) from the Drupal administration interface.
Drupal 7 Sites
- admin_menu
- admin_views
- advanced_help
- always_visible
- auto_nodetitle
- backup_migrate
- bean
- better exposed filters
- better formats
- biblio
- big_menu
- block_class
- block_titlelink
- bundle_copy
- calendar
- chosen
- colorbox
- computed field
- content_access
- context
- context accordion
- context_http_headers
- context_list
- context_list_active
- context_respect
- context_useragent
- contextual_view_modes
- cbc (Contextual Block Classes)
- css_injector
- ctools
- custom_breadcrumbs
- date
- date_ical
- default_image_ft
- delta
- diff
- drafty
- draggableviews
- ds
- encrypt
- entity
- entityreference
- features
- feeds
- feeds_jsonpath_parser
- feeds_tamper
- feeds_xpathparser
- field_collection
- field_group
- field_permissions
- file_entity
- filefield_paths
- geofield (and geophp)
- globalredirect
- google_analytics
- Hi-res_images
- honeypot
- insert
- job_scheduler
- js_injector
- jw_player
- libraries
- link
- menu_attributes
- menu block
- menu position
- metatag
- module filter
- multiple_selects
- newrelic_appname
- nobots
- nodeformcols
- node_clone
- node_convert
- openlayers
- paragraphs
- path_redirect_import
- pathauto
- pathologic
- proj4js
- redirect
- relation
- rules
- services
- site verification
- smart_trim
- social_share
- stanford_bean_types
- stanford_capx
- stanford_carousel
- stanford_courses
- stanford_date_formats
- stanford_date_timepicker
- stanford_easy_wysiwyg_css
- stanford_events_importer
- stanford_event_series
- stanford_feeds_helper
- stanford_gallery
- stanford_helper
- stanford_image
- stanford_image_styles
- stanford_landing_page
- stanford_news
- stanford_page
- stanford_person
- stanford_publication
- stanford_sites_helper
- stanford_slides
- stanford_ssp
- stanford_video
- stanford_wysiwyg
- strongarm
- switch
- taxonomy_manager
- token
- token_tweaks
- transliteration
- uuid
- video_embed_field and submodules
- view_unpublished
- views
- views_bulk_operations
- views_data_export
- views_datasource
- views_field_view
- views_filters_selective
- views_select_sort
- views_slideshow
- webform
- workbench
- workbench access
- workbench moderation
- wysiwyg [with CKEditor JS libraries]
- wysiwyg filter
- xmlsitemap