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Salesforce Consulting Service

Leading you to a customized, strategic, and successful implementation of the Salesforce CRM platform

In September 2024, rates will change for several technology services provided by University IT. View proposed FY25 rate changes.

Salesforce is a SaaS cloud CRM tool that allows us to connect more effectively with our clients — students, alumni, donors, corporations and research institutions, employees and faculty.

UIT's Salesforce consulting service is designed to lead you to a customized, strategic, and successful implementation of the Salesforce CRM platform. 


A personalized consultation covers:

  • Considerations whether Salesforce is a good fit vs other CRM tools, or alternative applications 
  • Providing an assessment of the solution approach for Salesforce if applicable
  • Revisiting goals, business requirements, and use cases
  • Revisiting technical requirements
  • Illustration of the process and journey
  • Considerations for opportunities to leverage existing implementations or solutions on the platform

Designed for

The Stanford community.


A Salesforce consulting session is available free of charge.


Get started

To request a Salesforce consulting session, complete a help request. Once you submit a request, we will contact you by email to schedule time together. 


See also

Last modified September 1, 2023