Opsgenie is a self-service incident management and notification tool that monitors systems 24/7. The service is available through SaaS/web/cloud, as well as mobile (Android and iOS) environments, and accounts are currently only available to teams within University IT (UIT).
- Hosted in AWS
- On-call schedules
- Slack integration
- Nagios integration
- Multiple communication channels
- Voice calls
- Push messages on mobile devices
- Incident reporting
- Audit TrailDisaster
- Recovery enriched notifications
- Incident prioritization
- Real-time dashboard
Designed for
Enterprise Technology teams in UIT
- Active account with Opsgenie (provisioned by IEDO)
- Active SUNet ID
Data security
May be used for Low, Moderate, and High Risk servers, as defined by the Information Security Office.
Free of charge
Get started
To get started, your team will need to put together a plan around call-routing and on-call schedules.
Get help
For assistance, submit a Help request.
Learn more
- Learn about Opsgenie integrations on the Atlassian Opsgenie website.
- Refer to the Opsgenie Support Matrix.
- Override an on-call schedule
- Manage on-call schedules and rotations
- Integrate Opsgenie with Slack App