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Migrating Remedy API implementations to Remedy 8.x for Stanford Developers

Initial Author: Tim Torgenrud
Contributors: Tracy Neil

Connection Information for Remedy 8

The development application server for Remedy 8 is '' and, like the Remedy 7 environment, it can be reached at port 7150.  The Remedy 8 environment is configured with encryption so you will need the encryption jar in addition to the Remedy 8 API jar.  Like the Remedy 7 environment, you will need a service account for your API code to have access to the application server.  For access to the jar files and/or to establish a service account in the Remedy 8 environment, please submit a HelpSU request.

Field Set for Incident Request Creation

The passel full of fields required for incident creation in the Remedy Incident form (HPD:Help Desk) has had some changes.  IDs for several fields have been changed in order to work with the overlay and customization controls now available in Remedy 8.x.  Requirements regarding field data presence, both static and dynamic, remain the same.  (Changes to enumerated field values is covered in a following table.) Fields required for incident creation, including changes, are:

Field Label Remedy ID 7.1 Remedy ID 8.x Field Description Static/Dynamic [Value]
Entry ID 1 1 Unique record key for a Remedy record (maintained and provided by the Remedy System) -
Incident ID 1000000161 1000000161 Stanford incident identifier.  User/client visible key for incidents. Dynamic
Company 1000000001 1000000001 Identifies core holder for record data Static[Stanford University]
Organization 1000000010 1000000010 Hierarchy site within Stanford University (e.g., Graduate School of Business) Dynamic (but fixed data set)


Company Site Static [Stanford University Main Campus]
Department 200000006 200000006 Department within Stanford University (a subset derived from openLDAP ou listings) Dynamic
Contact Company 1000000082 1000000082 Requester's Company (always Stanford University) Static[Stanford University]
First Name 1000000019 1000000019 Requester's First Name Dynamic
Last Name 1000000018 1000000018 Requester's Last Name Dynamic
SUNet ID 536871225 536871225 Requester's SUNet ID Dynamic
Requester Email 536871239 1000000048 Requester's Email address Dynamic
Desk Location 536871241 1000000035 Requester's Physical address (not required) Dynamic
Requestor OS 700000035 700000035 Requester's indicated operating system (not required) Dynamic [enumerated field]
Phone Number 1000000056 1000000056 Requester's Phone Number Dynamic
SU Affiliation 536871238 536871238 Requester's Stanford Affiliation Dynamic [enumerated field]
Operational Categorization Tier 1 1000000063 1000000063 Categorization Element for Incident (either set or empty) Dynamic
Operational Categorization Tier 2 1000000064 1000000064 Categorization Element for Incident (either set or empty) Dynamic
Operational Categorization Tier 3 1000000065 1000000065 Categorization Element for Incident (either set or empty) Dynamic
Product Categorization Tier 1 200000003 200000003 Categorization Element for Incident (either set or empty) Dynamic
Product Categorization Tier 2 200000004 200000004 Categorization Element for Incident (either set or empty) Dynamic
Product Categorization Tier 3 200000005 200000005 Categorization Element for Incident (either set or empty) Dynamic
Description (Summary) 1000000000 1000000000 Description Summary for Incident Dynamic
Detailed Description 1000000151 1000000151 Any and all requester-supplied information about the incident request
(can be quite large)
Incident Type 700000048 700000048 Type of incident submitted Dynamic [enumerated field]
Service Type 1000000099 1000000099 Type of service for incident being requested Static [0]
Submitter 2 2 Identifier (Remedy User login id) for request submission
(e.g., [RemedyAPIUser] service account)
Dynamic [valid user]
Assigned Group Uses OLA 1000000572 1000000572 Flag for request assignment policy acions trigger Static [0]
Shifts Flag 1000000296 1000000296 Flag for request assignment policy actions trigger Static [1]
Reported Source 1000000215 1000000215 Identifies the submitting service entity for the request
(e.g., Phone, or Web Form SHC) (not required)
Dynamic [enumerated field]
WebAuthed HelpSU Entry? 700000220 700000220 Indicates whether requester submitted request through an authenticated path
(not required)
Dynamic [enumerated field]
Reported Date 1000000560 1000000560 Reported Date (typically same as submit timestamp)
(not required for Incident Submission but will mess up reporting if not present)
Dynamic [Date format]
User Defined Field /
Character Field 1
700000012 700000012 Open value data field
(not required for Incident submission)
User Defined Field /
Character Field 2
700000013 700000013 Open value data field
(not required for Incident submission)

HPD:WorkLog Field Set Changes

While most fields on the HPD:WorkLog are the same, there are a few ID changes within the form. 

Attachment 4



Additional Attachment field (not required for Incident submission)

Attachment 5



Additional Attachment field (not required for Incident submission) Dynamic

Enumerated Values for Field Set for Incident Request Creation

Several of the fields required for Incident Request Creation are defined enumerated value sets.  With the addition of overlay and customization controls in Remedy 8.x, many of the values within the enumerated sets has changed.  Enumerated value sets from the fields identified above are listed below.

SU Affiliation (field ID 536871238):

Label Value
Faculty 0
Staff 1
Student 2
Other 3
Alumni 4

Webauthed HelpSU Entry? (field ID 700000220):

Label Value
No 0
Yes 1

Reported Source (field ID 1000000215):

Label Value
Direct Input 1000
Email 2000
External Escalation 3000
Fax 4000
Systems Management 5000
Phone 6000
Voice Mail 7000
Walk In 8000
Web 9000
Other 10000
Web Form HelpSU 1100051
Web Form GSB 1200051
Web Form OOD 1300051
Web Form BenefitSU 1400051
Web Form SEQ2 1600051
Web Form RDE 1700051
Web Form SHC 1800051
Web Form Service Alerts 1900051

Menu Values for Field Set for Incident Request Creation

Several of the fields for Incident Request Creation have defined and expected menu values.  These expected values are listed below.

Incident Type (field ID 700000048):

Service Alert

Requestor OS (field ID 700000035):

Mac 10x
Win 7
Win 8
Last modified