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Survey Design: Best Practices for Beginners (Lecture)

Turing Auditorium (Polya Hall 111)

Lecture cost: $120

All Tech Training class fees can be covered by STAP funds, Departmental PTA, or Educational Assistance Funds.

Enroll in this lecture

When surveying users, it is important to construct the survey so that meaningful results can be obtained, analyzed, and reported. In this class you will learn how to design a survey against an objective and analyze and report results.

Learning Objectives

- How to strategically plan your survey
- Understand the best practices for survey design
- Review collection techniques to get the best response rate
- How to analyze, present and share the findings
- Determine which online tool is best for your survey

Topics Covered

- Formulating the problem or question to be answered
- Determining the research approach
- Setting objectives for information collection

- Choosing a collection method (Qualtrics, Google Forms, or SurveyMonkey)
- Tips for good visual design
- Types of questions/response alternatives
- Pretesting and pilot testing
- Pitfalls to avoid
- Good question test - is it clear, easy answerable, unbiased?

- Collecting responses
- Statistical significance
- Improving response rates and retention

Analysis & Reporting
- Filtering and customizing results
- Sharing results

Event Sponsor
University IT Technology Training
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