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Introduction to Excel Macros (Lecture)

Redwood Hall G19

All lectures are $150 each and can be covered by STAP funds, Departmental PTA, or Educational Assistance Funds.

This lecture demonstrates most aspects of using Excel’s macro recorder feature. It introduces participants to macro concepts, terminology, conventions and shortcuts.  Learners will see how to record, test, modify and run macros to automate everyday tasks in Excel.

The lecture provides a brief introduction to the Visual Basic Editor as a tool for creating, modifying, copying and testing macros. The lecture covers several different approaches to running macros including creating custom macro command buttons, keyboard shortcuts and adding macros to Excel’s Quick Access toolbar.


  • What is a macro?
  • Creating your own macros
  • Create a multiple-step macro
  • Using the Visual Basic Editor
  • Running macros
  • Inheriting work products with macros created by others

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University IT Technology Training
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