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Git and GitHub Workshop (Lecture)

Redwood Hall G19

All lectures are $150 each and can be covered by STAP funds, Departmental PTA, or Educational Assistance Funds.

Enroll in this lecture

In this lecture, learn how to use Git and GitHub to effectively manage, track, repair, and share your code base collaboratively. We will learn what Git is, how it differs from svn, and how to use it. 

This coursework will focus on the process for creating repositories, staging changes, and committing code.  You will learn about branches, remotes, and how to merge code as well as handle merge conflicts.  Once we have reviewed these skills we will then take a look at GitHub, and how to start your own open source project or contribute to an existing open source project. 

To round out your learning experience we will take a look at some of the tools associated with Git that can be used to increase collaboration and productivity rates.

Laptops are recommended, but not required.

Event Sponsor
University IT Technology Training
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